Preferential export from the EU to Singapore covered by statements of origin prepared by registered exporters.


💥 Rusak Trade Compliance News reports:
▶️ As of January 1, 2023, preferential exports from the EU to Singapore are covered by statements of origin prepared by registered exporters – this position was adopted by the Customs Committee on December 20, 2022. Decision No 1/2022 includes the following elements:
🔘 Protocol 1 has been updated to the version of the Harmonized System from 2022.
🔘 For exporters from the EU, the „authorized exporter” system is replaced by the „registered exporter” system. This means that from January 1, 2023, importers in Singapore must apply for tariff preferences using statements of origin prepared by registered exporters in the EU, indicating their REX number, rather than using „proof of origin” declarations indicating the authorization number of an authorized exporter.
▶️ To facilitate the implementation of the above, a transitional period is provided, guaranteeing that until March 31, 2023, customs authorities in Singapore will continue to accept statements of origin prepared by registered exporters from the EU.
🔘 The scope (but not the volume) of 3 origin quotas for exports from Singapore to the EU has been expanded.
Source: Link to the source

Preferential export from the EU to Singapore covered by statements of origin prepared by registered exporters.

Preferential export from the EU to Singapore covered by statements of origin prepared by registered exporters.