Customs Union Reform - What's New After the Ministry of Finance Webinar


Customs Support Poland (Rusak) informs:

On June 11, 2024, the Ministry of Finance organized the first in a series of webinars on the customs union reform. The meeting focused on importers, exporters, and the role of the Union Customs Data Hub in the new Union Customs Code (UCC).

The customs union reform aims to simplify and streamline customs processes in the EU. Key changes are centered on the following issues:

  1. Centralization and Digitization of Customs Data: The transfer of customs declarations to a unified Data Hub system will streamline and expedite customs procedures.
  2. Increased Responsibility for Importers and Exporters: The requirement to have a registered office in the EU and precise assignment of duties aims for better compliance oversight.
  3. Role of Carriers: Recognizing carriers as importers if they provide the relevant data, which may change the responsibility dynamics within the supply chain.
  4. Simplification of Data Interface: Introducing a single interface for transmitting customs data across all member states.
  5. Maintaining the Roles of Customs Representatives: Despite the simplification of processes, the role of customs agencies and representatives remains, with clearly defined duties and responsibilities.

Detailed answers to participants’ questions from the webinar can be found here:

Customs Union Reform - What's New After the Ministry of Finance Webinar

Customs Union Reform - What's New After the Ministry of Finance Webinar