Customs Declaration Service (CDS): What you need to know.



▶️ Following consultations with businesses, HMRC has announced that exporters will have until November 30, 2023, to transition to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS), which is 8 months later than previously announced.
▶️ After November 30, 2023, companies will be required to use CDS to submit export declarations for goods being sent from the United Kingdom, similar to the current process for import declarations.

💥 Rusak Trade Compliance News reports:

▶️ Since the United Kingdom’s departure from the EU, the country, remaining outside the customs union, has been facing numerous challenges related to the efficient conduct of customs clearance processes. Since the „big exit,” the country’s development has slowed, also losing some attractiveness to investors due to the burdens associated with a paperwork avalanche and bureaucracy, especially in customs declaration filling. To meet the needs of investors, the United Kingdom is modifying its British electronic customs application system.

▶️ What is The Customs Declaration Service (CDS), when will it replace CHIEF, and how to use it? You can find out from the FAQ article – HMRC’s Customs Declaration Service – Answers to Questions You Asked Us:

Customs Declaration Service (CDS): What you need to know.

Customs Declaration Service (CDS): What you need to know.