EU ETS2 – the new tax on transport and heating fuels.


💥 Rusak Trade Compliance News reminds about:
👉 EU ETS2 – the new tax on transport and heating fuels.
➡ EU ETS2 introduces a new tax on fuels used in transport and heating, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions. These regulations will affect fuel prices, encouraging more efficient energy use and the search for eco-friendly alternatives. The new system expands the current emissions trading mechanism, which previously covered the energy and industrial sectors.
➡ Companies dealing with liquid fuels and LPG must by the end of 2024:
✔ Analyze the impact of ETS2 on their operations.
✔ Develop a system for calculating greenhouse gas emissions.
✔ Approve and emissions monitoring plan.
✔ Obtain a greenhouse gas emissions permit.
➡ The new regulations are complex and costly to implement.
➡➡ The greatest burdens will fall on fuel producers and importers, who will need to maintain detailed documentation and emissions reporting. Companies have little time to adapt to the new requirements.
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EU ETS2 – the new tax on transport and heating fuels.

EU ETS2 – the new tax on transport and heating fuels.