Emergency brake triggered for oat imports from Ukraine


💥 Rusak Trade Compliance News informs:
▶ From yesterday until June 5, 2025, the import of Ukrainian oats into the EU will take place within the tariff quota from the DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area) in place since 2016. ▶ The introduction of this tariff quota is the result of the updated EU Autonomous Trade Measures (ATM) effective from June 6, 2024. ▶ The ATM regulation includes and emergency brake for several products, including oats, which is automatically triggered if import volumes reach the average yearly imports recorded between July 1, 2021, and December 31, 2023. Once this volume is reached, the Commission reintroduces the corresponding tariff-rate quota from the DCFTA within 14 days. ℹ A similar mechanism may soon be triggered for the import of eggs and sugar from Ukraine.

Emergency brake triggered for oat imports from Ukraine

Emergency brake triggered for oat imports from Ukraine